Welcome to the Hospitality, Now! Students for Hospitality, Hospitality for Students initiative. This is a research-informed initiative from the University of Lincoln focussed on championing best practice in student employment. This initiative is aimed at Visitor Economy businesses (in hospitality, tourism, events, leisure, retail etc.) that currently hire students and those businesses that want to benefit from having students as part of their workforce.
Why sign up?
Through signing up:
- You will become part of a new network of student-friendly visitor economy businesses in Lincolnshire.
- You’ll have opportunities to work more closely with the University of Lincoln and gain access to recruitment opportunities to connect with students, such as through on-campus job fairs, advertising your roles on our job portal, and connecting better with University of Lincoln graduate talent.
Joining the Good Student Employer Charter can help your business:
- Enhance employment relations with young workers.
- Address staff shortages, increase staff retention and reduce training costs
- Improve student-worker commitment, enhance customer service and boost worker wellbeing.
- Support and mentor young workers in their first-ever jobs.
- Shape future workers and their aspirations.
- Improve the reputation of the sector and attract young talent.
This short onboarding programme has been designed to introduce you to the Good Student Employer Charter.
Please now watch the short video below where the founder of Hospitality, Now! Students for Hospitality, Hospitality for Students — Dr. Agnieszka Rydzik, Associate Professor in Tourism and Work at the Lincoln International Business School — introduces the Hospitality, Now! Students for Hospitality, Hospitality for Students initiative and the Good Student Employment Charter.
Why have a Charter?
The Good Student Employment Charter emerged from our research on the experiences of university students who combine full-time study with part-time work.
In this onboarding program, we will outline eight specific areas where workforce management practices can be enhanced. Among employers, there can be not quite enough awareness of the challenges working students face, the financially insecure position some student-workers are in and how some workplace practices can inadvertently lead to poor retention of student-workers.
Although students represent a large proportion of workers in the visitor economy and comprise a very important worker group for the sector, the employer and student-worker relationship is not always as mutually beneficial as it could be.
For businesses, committing to the Good Student Employer Charter can help students and employers both reap the greatest mutual benefits from adopting a positive, flexible and fair approach to the employment of student-workers.
Adopting good practices in student employment can bring clear benefits for both businesses and the sector by making it easier to recruit committed student-workers, retain students-workers for longer, and increase the likelihood that high-calibre student-workers will remain in or return to the sector post-graduation.
By signing up to the Charter and committing to the Good Student Employment Principles, your business can benefit from a more engaged student workforce, and meaningfully improve the experiences of young workers at the beginning of their careers.
Upon completing the training, you will receive a Certificate accredited by the Lincoln International Business School alongside a range of promotional materials (including badges and stickers) to publicise your commitment to good working practices and enhance your reputation as a student-friendly employer. The materials can be displayed in the workplace as well as digitally on websites and social media.